Ready to Explore MSU Denver's Graduate Programs?

Click here to learn more about MSU Denver's graduate programs!

Understanding Accreditation

The Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA) has produced a short video on the importance of accreditation. The video also includes a description of the difference between institutional and programmatic accreditation.

What Should I Know About Specialized & Professional Accreditation?, from the ASPA.

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More About Accreditation

  • Trustworthy universities are approved by a state agency, an accrediting agency recognized by the U.S. Department of Education, or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
  • Depending on your chosen major, you might also need to confirm that your program within the university is appropriately accredited.
  • Check the website for your professional association or talk to your faculty advisor to determine if programmatic accreditation is needed for your career.

Narrowing Down Your List of Schools

After completing your initial research, it is time to narrow your list to 5-10 schools in preparation for submitting admission applications. The questions outlined in the “What to Consider When Choosing a Graduate Program” list above can help you identify programs you want to pursue. You will also want to pay attention to minimum admission requirements, keeping in mind that meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

If your dream program has requirements that you do not currently meet, you may consider delaying your application to work toward fulfilling these requirements, such as taking additional undergraduate courses. Conversations with your current academic advisor or faculty advisor, faculty within the desired program, and/or your admissions counselor could be helpful in determining your next steps in this situation.

As you eliminate programs from your larger list, it might be tempting to remove them altogether, however this could cost you time if you decide to revisit these programs later. Instead of removing programs, you could hide the row in your Excel sheet, move those rows to a different tab within the Excel sheet, or move them to a different document all together.

After you have narrowed down your list, it is time to prepare and submit your application materials!

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]

Campus Location:
Administration Building (AD)
Suite 270
(meetings by appointment only)

click here to schedule an appointment in careerlink