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Choosing a graduate program can feel overwhelming, however, there are lots of virtual or in-person out there to help you with this decision. Sometimes, you just need to ask!
The tips and tools in this section will help you get started. When exploring options for graduate school, it is important to think about what is important to you. This should include your priorities for the academic discipline and the institution that you might want to attend.
When starting your search, it is a good idea to research 15-20 programs, and then narrow down from there.
Our “Application Tracker” spreadsheet is a tool you can use to keep track of key details related to each program you research. Feel free to download this file and add/remove columns to suit your needs. Some students also find it helpful to create a new email address specifically for communications related to the application process. Download the spreadsheet here.
This blog post from Northeastern University suggests that “you should consider tailoring your search to include the factors that are most important to you in your educational experience. For instance, search programs by class size (i.e., “master’s in leadership programs with small classes”), program structure (i.e., “online master’s in project management programs,” or “part-time data analytics master’s programs”), or even the name of an industry leader you admire who you know teaches in your area.”
Click the “+” below to view a list of questions to consider during your search.
The Association of Specialized and Professional Accreditors (ASPA) has produced a short video on the importance of accreditation. The video also includes a description of the difference between institutional and programmatic accreditation.
What Should I Know About Specialized & Professional Accreditation?, from the ASPA.
After completing your initial research, it is time to narrow your list to 5-10 schools in preparation for submitting admission applications. The questions outlined in the “What to Consider When Choosing a Graduate Program” list above can help you identify programs you want to pursue. You will also want to pay attention to minimum admission requirements, keeping in mind that meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.
If your dream program has requirements that you do not currently meet, you may consider delaying your application to work toward fulfilling these requirements, such as taking additional undergraduate courses. Conversations with your current academic advisor or faculty advisor, faculty within the desired program, and/or your admissions counselor could be helpful in determining your next steps in this situation.
As you eliminate programs from your larger list, it might be tempting to remove them altogether, however this could cost you time if you decide to revisit these programs later. Instead of removing programs, you could hide the row in your Excel sheet, move those rows to a different tab within the Excel sheet, or move them to a different document all together.
After you have narrowed down your list, it is time to prepare and submit your application materials!
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Suite 270
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