
Why should faculty work towards proactive accessibility? By making your courses accessible, you are meeting the needs of many different types of students while also saving yourself potential future work by having to remediate inaccessible course aspects later. Accessible courses help students who have disclosed accommodations and also students who may not have any diagnoses or accommodations, both by allowing them equal access to materials and by helping all students feel included (or in other words, not feeling as singled-out by needing separate materials).

Choose one (1) of the sections below, read the tips and steps, and then choose one (1) section of your course or course materials to work on when you have a few minutes.

Quick Tips

Ready for More?

If you're ready for a deeper diver into Instructional Accessibility, visit our guides and resources page.

Instructional Accessibility Guides and Resources

Trainings and Services

Visit our Trainings and Services page for live trainings and other accessibility services.

Instructional Accessibility Trainings and Services

Connect with the Instructional Accessibility Group

Improve your instructional accessibility through the IAG live trainings, access checks for individual materials, or course reviews.

Have more questions or need additional assistance? Email the Instructional Accessibility Group.